1. I have a GPG keypair in the same format as the one provided in `test-key.asc`. It is `ed25519`.
2. That key was used to encrypt a file with [age encryption](https://github.com/FiloSottile/age) as shown below
3. I want to decrypt that file, but only have a GPG secret key, as I couldn't
find out how to derive a SSH or age key from it.
**GOAL**: Derive an age key from the provided GPG key that decrypt the file as
shown below. A SSH key is also enough, since it can be used with `ssh-to-age` to
derive the age key.
##### Notes:
- A tool exists to do this for RSA keys: [openpgp2ssh](https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/openpgp2ssh.1.html) but it does not seem to support `ed25519` keys
- Work on `gnupg` was started for this feature, but never finished see this