
152 lines
4.2 KiB

{ config, pkgs, ... }:
with pkgs;
mqttDomain = "mqtt.${config.networking.domain}";
mqttWSPort = 9001;
in {
# just installed for ConBee firmware updates
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ deconz ];
services.nginx = {
virtualHosts = {
${mqttDomain} = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://localhost:${toString mqttWSPort}";
proxyWebsockets = true;
${config.networking.domain} = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://localhost:8123";
proxyWebsockets = true;
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ mqttWSPort ];
services.mosquitto = {
enable = true;
listeners = [{
port = mqttWSPort;
settings.protocol = "websockets";
users = {
"hass" = {
acl = [
"readwrite homeassistant/#"
"readwrite tasmota/#"
"readwrite owntracks/#"
hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/hass";
"tasmota" = {
acl = [ "readwrite tasmota/#" "readwrite homeassistant/#" ];
hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/tasmota";
"owntracks" = {
acl = [ "readwrite owntracks/#" ];
hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/owntracks";
"felix" = {
acl = [ "read owntracks/#" "readwrite owntracks/felix/#" ];
hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/felix";
"birgit" = {
acl = [ "read owntracks/#" "readwrite owntracks/birgit/#" ];
hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/birgit";
services.home-assistant = {
enable = true;
openFirewall = true;
package = (pkgs.home-assistant.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
# pytestCheckPhase uses too much RAM and pi can't handle it
doCheck = false;
doInstallCheck = false;
})).override { extraComponents = [ "otp" ]; };
config = {
homeassistant = {
name = "Home";
latitude = "!secret latitude";
longitude = "!secret longitude";
elevation = 0;
unit_system = "metric";
temperature_unit = "C";
external_url = "";
internal_url = "";
default_config = { };
config = { };
http = {
use_x_forwarded_for = true;
trusted_proxies = [ "" "::1" ];
"automation editor" = "!include automations.yaml";
automation = { };
frontend = { };
mobile_app = { };
discovery = { };
zeroconf = { };
ssdp = { };
shopping_list = { };
zha = {
database_path = "/var/lib/hass/zigbee.db";
zigpy_config = { ota = { ikea_provider = true; }; };
mqtt = {
broker = "localhost";
port = mqttWSPort;
username = "hass";
password = "!secret mqtt_password";
discovery = true;
discovery_prefix = "homeassistant";
owntracks = { mqtt_topic = "owntracks/#"; };
netatmo = {
client_id = "!secret netatmo_client_id";
client_secret = "!secret netatmo_client_secret";
sensor = [{
platform = "template";
sensors = {
energy_total_usage = {
friendly_name = "Total Energy Usage";
unit_of_measurement = "kWh";
value_template = ''
(states.sensor.outlet_computer_energy_total.state | float) +
(states.sensor.outlet_tv_energy_total.state | float)
utility_meter = {
energy_total_usage_daily = {
source = "sensor.energy_total_usage";
cycle = "daily";
energy_total_usage_monthly = {
source = "sensor.energy_total_usage";
cycle = "monthly";
energy_total_usage_yearly = {
source = "sensor.energy_total_usage";
cycle = "yearly";
# configWritable = true; # doesn't work atm