{ config, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs; let mqttDomain = "mqtt.${config.networking.domain}"; mqttWSPort = "9001"; in { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ deconz ]; local.services.deconz = { enable = true; httpPort = 8080; wsPort = 1443; openFirewall = true; }; services.nginx = { virtualHosts = { ${mqttDomain} = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; locations."/" = { proxyPass = "http://localhost:${mqttWSPort}"; proxyWebsockets = true; }; }; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ config.services.mosquitto.port ]; services.mosquitto = { enable = true; host = ""; checkPasswords = true; extraConf = '' listener ${mqttWSPort} protocol websockets ''; users = { "hass" = { acl = [ "topic readwrite homeassistant/#" "topic readwrite tasmota/#" "topic readwrite owntracks/#" ]; hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/hass"; }; "tasmota" = { acl = [ "topic readwrite tasmota/#" "topic readwrite homeassistant/#" ]; hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/tasmota"; }; "owntracks" = { acl = [ "topic readwrite owntracks/#" ]; hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/owntracks"; }; "felix" = { acl = [ "topic read owntracks/#" "topic readwrite owntracks/felix/#" ]; hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/felix"; }; "birgit" = { acl = [ "topic read owntracks/#" "topic readwrite owntracks/birgit/#" ]; hashedPasswordFile = "/etc/nixos/secrets/mqtt/birgit"; }; }; }; services.home-assistant = { enable = true; package = home-assistant.override { extraPackages = ps: with ps; [ (callPackage pydeconz { }) ]; }; openFirewall = true; config = { homeassistant = { name = "Home"; latitude = "!secret latitude"; longitude = "!secret longitude"; elevation = 0; unit_system = "metric"; temperature_unit = "C"; external_url = "https://home.felschr.com"; internal_url = ""; }; default_config = { }; config = { }; "automation editor" = "!include automations.yaml"; automation = {}; frontend = { }; mobile_app = { }; discovery = { }; zeroconf = { }; ssdp = { }; shopping_list = { }; deconz = { host = "localhost"; port = 8080; api_key = "!secret deconz_apikey"; }; mqtt = { broker = "localhost"; port = config.services.mosquitto.port; username = "hass"; password = "!secret mqtt_password"; discovery = true; discovery_prefix = "homeassistant"; }; owntracks = { mqtt_topic = "owntracks/#"; }; netatmo = { client_id = "!secret netatmo_client_id"; client_secret = "!secret netatmo_client_secret"; }; sensor = [ { platform = "template"; sensors = { energy_total_usage = { friendly_name = "Total Energy Usage"; unit_of_measurement = "kWh"; value_template = '' {{ (states.sensor.outlet_computer_energy_total.state | float) + (states.sensor.outlet_tv_energy_total.state | float) }} ''; }; }; } ]; utility_meter = { energy_total_usage_daily = { source = "sensor.energy_total_usage"; cycle = "daily"; }; energy_total_usage_monthly = { source = "sensor.energy_total_usage"; cycle = "monthly"; }; energy_total_usage_yearly = { source = "sensor.energy_total_usage"; cycle = "yearly"; }; }; }; # configWritable = true; # doesn't work atm }; }