{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

# using the restic cli:
# load credentials into shell by adding B2 secrets to .env (see .env.example).
# useful commands for analysing restic stats [snapshot-id], restic diff [s1] [s2],

with lib;
with builtins;
let resticLib = import ./lib.nix { inherit config lib pkgs; };
in {
  imports = [ ./common.nix ];

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ restic ];

  services.restic.backups.full = resticLib.resticConfig {
    name = "home-pc";
    ripgrep = true;
    paths = [ "/etc/nixos" "/var/lib" "/home" ];
    ignorePatterns = [
    timerConfig.OnCalendar = "0/4:00:00";
    extraPruneOpts = [ "--keep-last 6" ];