{ pkgs, ... }: let prettier = parser: { command = "prettier"; args = [ "--parser" parser ]; }; typescriptLanguageServers = [ { name = "typescript-language-server"; except-features = [ "format" ]; } "vscode-eslint-language-server" ]; in { # HINT for direnv to work needs to be started from project folder programs.helix = { enable = true; package = pkgs.unstable.helix; languages.language = [ { name = "javascript"; # TODO also configure eslint for diagnostics # formatter.command = "eslint_d --fix"; formatter = prettier "typescript"; language-servers = typescriptLanguageServers; auto-format = true; } { name = "jsx"; language-servers = typescriptLanguageServers; formatter = prettier "typescript"; auto-format = true; } { name = "typescript"; language-servers = typescriptLanguageServers; formatter = prettier "typescript"; auto-format = true; } { name = "tsx"; language-servers = typescriptLanguageServers; formatter = prettier "typescript"; auto-format = true; } { name = "nix"; # `nix fmt` does not support stdin formatter.command = "nixfmt"; language-servers = [ "nil" "statix" ]; auto-format = true; } { name = "nickel"; formatter.command = "topiary"; auto-format = true; } { name = "protobuf"; formatter.command = "buf format -w"; language-servers = [ "bufls" "buf-lint" ]; } { name = "graphql"; formatter = prettier "graphql"; auto-format = true; } { name = "toml"; auto-format = true; } { name = "json"; formatter = prettier "json"; auto-format = true; } { name = "yaml"; formatter = prettier "yaml"; auto-format = true; } { name = "css"; formatter = prettier "css"; auto-format = true; } { name = "html"; formatter = prettier "html"; auto-format = true; } { name = "markdown"; formatter = prettier "markdown"; auto-format = true; } { name = "bash"; formatter = { command = "shfmt"; args = [ "-i" "2" "-" ]; }; } ]; languages.language-server = { rust-analyzer = { config.rust-analyzer = { cargo.buildScripts.enable = true; checkOnSave.command = "clippy"; procMacro.enable = true; procMacro.ignored = { # See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/15800 # core = [ "cfg_eval" ]; # cfg_eval = [ "cfg_eval" ]; }; }; }; statix = { command = "efm-langserver"; config = { languages = { nix = [{ # https://github.com/creativenull/efmls-configs-nvim/blob/ddc7c542aaad21da594edba233c15ae3fad01ea0/lua/efmls-configs/linters/statix.lua lintCommand = "statix check --stdin --format=errfmt"; lintStdIn = true; lintIgnoreExitCode = true; lintFormats = [ ">%l:%c:%t:%n:%m" ]; rootMarkers = [ "flake.nix" "shell.nix" "default.nix" ]; }]; }; }; }; buf-lint = { command = "efm-langserver"; config.languages.protobuf = [{ lintCommand = "buf lint --path"; rootMarkers = [ "buf.yaml" ]; }]; }; nixd.command = "nixd"; # does not support formatting vscode-eslint-language-server = { # https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/issues/3520#issuecomment-1439987347 command = "vscode-eslint-language-server"; args = [ "--stdio" ]; config = { validate = "on"; experimental.useFlatConfig = false; # required for old configs rulesCustomizations = [ ]; run = "onType"; problems.shortenToSingleLine = false; nodePath = ""; quiet = false; format = true; codeAction = { disableRuleComment = { enable = true; location = "separateLine"; }; showDocumentation.enable = true; }; codeActionOnSave.mode = "problems"; workingDirectory.mode = "auto"; }; }; lua-language-server = { config = { runtime = { version = "LuaJIT"; path = [ "?.lua" "?/init.lua" ]; }; }; }; }; settings = { theme = "dark_plus"; editor = { color-modes = true; cursor-shape.insert = "bar"; completion-trigger-len = 1; line-number = "relative"; statusline = { left = [ "mode" "version-control" "spinner" "file-name" "file-modification-indicator" ]; right = [ "diagnostics" "file-encoding" "file-line-ending" "file-type" "selections" "position" ]; }; }; keys = { normal = { "H" = "goto_line_start"; "L" = "goto_line_end"; }; select = { "H" = "goto_line_start"; "L" = "goto_line_end"; }; insert = { "C-space" = "completion"; }; }; }; }; }